On 04/01/16 at 1530hrs, Police operatives in Abuja tracked/trailed and recovered a Toyota Corolla car with Reg. No. BDG 783 DF reported stolen at Rainoil, Maroko, Lagos State. One Samson Etim , aged 26 years and Daniel Sunday , aged 24 years, both of Lagos State were arrested. Suspects in custody, Equally Delta state on 04/01/16 at 0700hrs, information was received that a group of people suspected to be members of Bobos cult group unlawfully assembled at Bomadi Overside with an intention to carry out a reprisal attack on members of Greenlanders cult group. Based on the information, the Police, community and vigilante group and JTF based in Bomadi jointly swooped on the group and arrested six (6) suspected members. Cutlasses, knives and bottles were recovered from the scene. One of the suspects attempted committing suicide by taking poison on sighting the Police. He is currently on admission receiving treatment at Our Saviour Hospital, Bomadi. Case under investigation.