It is with a great sense of responsibility that I welcome you to this event which marks the decoration of the newly promoted 18 Assistant Inspectors General of Police and 33 Commissioners of Police.

2. The elevation of these seasoned Senior Police Officers is a clear testimony to their history of professional excellence, loyalty, zeal and invaluable experience. That their promotion was guided by the principles of seniority and merit are also a clear testimony to the new focus of my leadership in relation to promotion policy.

3. On assumption of duty, I pledged to address the current internal security challenges by evolving new policing strategies and identifying quality and dedicated officers to support me in the implementation of such initiatives. I hold the firm conviction that these newly promoted officers will be strategic to the advancement of this leadership thrust.

4. Let me, however, remind the promotees that the 2019 general elections are around the corner and the Nigeria Police Force being the lead agency in the electoral process are expected to exhibit optimal level of professionalism and to undertake their mandate within the dictates of rule of law. I can assure the nation and the international community that we have perfected plans and mobilized available assets towards giving to the country a peaceful and credible elections.

5. All of you, the newly promoted officers, will be deployed to play active roles in this process. The Force leadership and indeed, the nation look up to you to manifest your sense of professional excellence in the election security task you might be deployed to perform. I trust that you shall not fail the Force, neither will you fail the nation in this arduous national duty.

6. I wish to on this note, heartily congratulate you and your family for attaining this professional feat and pray that God continues to perfect your careers and grant you all the courage to sustain and continually exhibit those professional virtues that led you this far in your professional journey. I also specially thank our guests, particularly, our retired Inspectors General of Police that have created time out of their tight schedules to join the Nigeria Police family to honour these distinguished newly promoted officers.

7. Thank you all and remain blessed.