It is with a feeling of elation that I welcome you to this event which marks the decoration of another set of Deputy Commissioners of Police with their new ranks of Commissioners of Police.

Beyond the change in professional status, this event represents a due recognition of the history of professional excellence of all the forty (40) Deputy Commissioners of Police being celebrated today. That their promotion, like other previous exercises, was guided by the principles of seniority and merit is also reflective of their record of discipline and invaluable experience.

The capacity of the human assets of any organization, particularly, at strategic management level is fundamental to the attainment of the goals and mandates of such institution. This is why it is often said that no organization can advance beyond the competence and dedication of its strategic leaders, neither can any organizational goals and plans be attained without a crop of highly committed personnel to drive the implementation process.

This assertion is even more critical for a law enforcement agency that is as strategic to internal security of the nation as the Nigeria Police Force. This is because the rapidly changing dynamic of crime and the attendant increasing threat to security requires quality police managers that have the requisite professional knowledge, experience and competency to effectively provide leadership directed at managing such internal security realities.

The import of this is that any organization that does not, or delays in recognizing the potentials of its personnel and rewarding them by promoting those eligible as at when due, stands the risk of retaining crops of highly demotivated officers who would not be optimally dedicated to the standards and goals of the institution. It is in cognizance of this fact that I have since my appointment as Inspector General of Police, been collaborating effectively with the Police Service Commission in ensuring that appropriate processes are emplaced to identify and promptly elevate deserving officers with unblemished service records for promotion.

This is a strategic management approach directed at motivating the workforce of the Nigeria Police in committing to the duty of addressing current and emerging internal security threats. I am delighted to note that this policy has been highly effective and between the January 2019 when I was appointed to date, a total of ten thousand, one hundred and fourteen (10,114) officers have been promoted on merit.

This comprises of seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-seven (7,127) Inspectors to ASPs; one thousand, three hundred and seventy-five (1,375) ASP-DSP; four hundred and ninety-eight (498) DSP-SP; five hundred and sixty-six (566) SP-CSP; one hundred and fifty (150) CSP-ACP; two hundred and seventy-three (273) ACP-DCP; and seventy-five (75) DCP-CP inclusive of the forty (40) officers being decorated today. Others are thirty-five (35) CP-AIG; and fourteen (14) AIG-DIG.

I hold the firm conviction that all of you, the newly promoted Commissioners of Police seated herefit perfectly into my human capacity development requirement and I am confident that you will deploy your wealth of experience toward supporting the Nigeria Police in the attainment of our mandate, especially at this crucial time in our nation's internal security evolution.

Let me, however, remind the promotes that to whom much is given, much more shall be expected. Crime, as you know, is a dynamic and increasingly complex phenomenon and the nation demand of you higher level of loyalty, courage and professional competence needed to move the Nigeria Police and indeed, the nation to the next level in relation to internal security.In furtherance to this, some of you shall be deployed to critical duty posts where your strength of character and professionalism shall be optimally tested.

In the discharge of your duties, which can sometimes be challenging, you should deploy your intellect, be civil to the citizens and be guided by the need to respect extant laws. In addition, you must demonstrate sound professional judgement in all your decisions knowing that you could be called to account for your actions or inactions.I trust that you shall not fail the Nigeria Police Force, neither will you fail the nation in the arduous responsibilities that your new rank shall impose on you.

I wish to on this note, immensely thank the Police Service Commission for supporting our reform agenda and aiding in the attainment of our human capacity development initiatives.I look forward to the sustenance of this collaboration.

Finally, I heartily congratulate and share the joy of the moment with all the newly promoted officers and their families. I pray that Allah (SWT) should continueto perfect your careers and grant you all the courage to sustain and continually exhibit those professional virtues that led you this far in your professional journeys.

I Thank you all for your attendance.