

       I welcome you all to this important event in which we are literally killing two birds on the same day with a single shot. Today’s launch of these two important programmes is aimed at saving lives: Lives of people we protect and lives of the protectors themselves.

       With the coming on board of the new national administration, the change mantra became imperative and the Police management team and I have keyed into it. We knew we could not afford to allow things to be done the same old ways, especially when those ways had diminished the image of the Police before the public.

One of the areas we identified that had made the public to cast aspersions on the Police was the relatively frequent cases of death of members of the public from misapplication of lethal weapons. After an in-depth study, my team and I have found that some of these fatal cases could be due to mishandling of firearms by Police Officers who are psychologically unfit to handle firearms at that particular time.  Some of these psychological problems could also have resulted from drug abuse by few of our men.

We have therefore decided that the Medical assessment of persons we recruit into the Police Force will include a psychological assessment. In addition, effective immediately we will carry out snap urine tests for signs of drug abuse on all policemen before we issue any lethal weapons to them or at their operational points.  We are in partnership with a reputable group of psychiatrists and psychologists in this project. Apart from denying access to firearms or retrieving guns from officers who fail such snap drug tests, we will provide appropriate help to wean them from drugs or other emotional or psychological diatribes that may trigger such unprecedented and fatal outcome in their line of duty.

Aside this, I have also initiated a Policing strategy that will witness the transition of the Nigeria Police from exclusive reliance on lethal weapons in management of threats and social disorders to the engagement of less lethal technologies/weapon system such as electro-muscular disruption technology weaponry which is commonly referred to as laser or stun guns. Orders have been placed for this weaponry and adequate training framework is being emplaced. My long-term vision is to effectively address issues that engender misuse of firearms and give true meaning to our mandate of safeguarding the lives of our citizens.

Furthermore, in commemorating the World Health Day whose theme is Diabetes Mellitus, this year, we also decided to address the issue touching on frequent sudden death of Police Officers. Some of our colleagues have passed away in recent times before our very eyes, some right in their offices due to preventable or avoidable health related challenges.


I am informed by our Medical personnel that most of such sudden deaths are due to chronic non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, Mellitus and Hypertension. The World Health Organization (WHO) must have recognized the same danger of such diseases in the world hence its theme for this year’s World Health Day is Diabetes Mellitus.

In fighting this scourge, I have already directed our Medical Section to commence screening of all our Officers for chronic non-communicable diseases, including diabetes and hypertension. We are encouraging changes in lifestyles and diet for our men. As part of our determination to encourage sporting activities in our men, we just ended the keenly contested Police sport week.

I encourage all our men to come forward for health screening. Our medical section is well positioned to manage any health problems our Officers and men may have. We believe that to carry out the onerous duties assigned to us by the constitution, we need a healthy workforce.

On this note, I hereby declare open the drug test for our Policemen prior to bearing arms and Mass Screening for diabetes and hypertension to arrest sudden death in the Police.

Thank you all for coming and for your continued support to the Nigeria Police Force.