
I welcome you all to the premiere of the first exclusive Nigeria police TV series titled “Beyond Your Sight”.
Theidea of engaging broadcasting platform to rebrand the Nigeria Police is reflective of my desire as Inspector General of Police to bridge the gap between the Police and its public and advance the social component of policing in Nigeria.
Beyond this, ladies and gentlemen, by today’s landmark initiative, the Nigeria Police under my leadership has aligned policing in our country to best international practices where TV Series highlighting exploits of the Police and criminal activities are utilized to strengthen internal security. In this instance, reference is made to global Police and Crime TV Series like ‘Law and Order’, ‘NYPD Blues’, ‘CSI’ in USA; and ‘The Bill’ in the UK.
These TVseries, therefore, will document the landmark operational, intelligence, investigative and prosecutorial exploits of the Nigeria Police Force over the years. The aim is to showcase the professional capacity and achievements of the Police as a strategy towards restoring public confidence in the Nigeria Police Force.
The message, Ladies and Gentlemen, is that though the Nigeria Police Force might have had its fair share of institutional challenges, the Force under my leadership has, however, laid pathways that are engendering the evolution of a new Police Force, a Force that will not only take pride in itself, but one that will sing its song, change its narratives and give social meaning to policing.
It is my expectation that in the long-term, the TV series being premiered today will aid the rebranding process of the Force, enhance personal security of citizens, and galvanize Nigerians to their obligations within the national security space of our beloved country.
It is on this note that I wish to commend the Force Public Relations Section for remaining steadfast and demonstrating strong commitment towards guiding this initiative to fruition. I also want to use this opportunity to commend themultiple awards winning movies Producer, Lancelot Odua Imasuen for again demonstrating his expertise in his capacity as the Producer and Director of the Police TV series. Permit me, ladies and gentlemen, to also acknowledge the prominent Nollywood actors who feature in the TV Series. These include household brands like Desmond Elliot and Segun Arinze, among others.
Finally, I appreciate our distinguished guests who have spared their valuable time to enjoy this night with us. By associating with our vision, you have collectivelydemonstrated your commitment towards assisting the Force leadership in rebranding and strengthening policing in Nigeria.
Finally, I commend the TV Series to all Nigerians. Beyond its enlightenment, entertainment and education value, I am confident that the TV Series will soon become a must-watch and addictive programme that will captivate citizens and give them insight into policing, personal security and community safety.
Thanks and God bless you all.