
It is my pleasure to lead some of the National Executive Council of POWA at the instance of the Katsina state POWA Chairperson who happens to be the chairman of environmental sanitation committee Mrs. Makris Gwana to flag-off the Barracks environmental sanitation and campaign against drug abuse and child molestation.


POWA formed many years ago is an NGO made up of wives of serving police officers from the rank of ASP up to the IGP. Part of the objective is to sponsor and promote idea, initiatives and programs that will bring about social, developmental and behavioural changes in the society.


It is for the above reason that we have come here today to flag-off the campaign on environmental sanitation, drug abuse and child molestation.

The issue of cleanliness cannot be over emphasized. It is said that cleanliness is next to Godliness. We are aware that 50% of diseases in Africa can be eradicated by cleanliness. Simple and common diseases like malaria, diarrhoea and vomiting, skin rashes etc are all linked to dirty environment. It is therefore imperative for us the police wives to ensure the health of our husbands and children by keeping our environment clean at all times.

Drug abuse on the other hand has now become a serious health and social menace in our country, especially in the north.

Drug has been defined as a medicine or other substances that can affect the working of the body when introduced into the body by any means.

My understanding of drug abuse is that of appropriate and compulsive use of drug that is eventually harmful to the body and the society.

The world health organization defines substance abuse as the harmful use of psychoactive substance including alcohol and illicit drugs. This leads to dependence on the drug and a strong desire to take the drugs at all cost despite consequences.


The health consequence includes physical effect on the body itself, at times leading to death, and a range of psychiatric effects and the problem of addiction.

The legal consequences arise from the fact that these drugs are outlawed and using them means breaking the law. And people who break the law, end up in jail.

The social consequences are numerous- Drug strain relationships, disrupts education, break marriages and thereby destroying families.

From the above, it is clear that abusing drugs is bad for the person, his family, his friends and the country at large.

This is why we must do everything to stop its rising trend in Nigeria and the world.

Report shows that at least 40% of Nigerian youth engage in substance abuse.

The drug abuse has been said to be more prevalent in the north, with Kano state topping the chat followed by Katsina state. 

This has been attributed to a number of factors, including a break down in family norms and values, divorce, early or forced marriages, unemployment etc.

The maxim that the idle mind is the devils workshop appears to hold in this area.

The common drug abused includes, Indian hemp, cocaine, heroin, cough syrup, sleeping tablets, some types of pain relievers etc.


Drugs have brought a lot of shame on the country. Nigeria is said to have the highest number of drug related convicts all over the world.


This is why we have to do something now to tackle the menace.

Prevention is always better than cure. Programs should be put in place in schools, communities and other places to highlight to our adolescents the evil of alcohol and drug use. There should be education of girl child. 

There should be a fight against domestic violence. Rehabilitation centres should be set up for the rehabilitation of our women and youth and empowerment programs should be organized for them. Parents should also avoid drug use in the presences of their children. Our religious leaders should also preach about the evils of drug abuse in mosques, churches and other places of worship.

Restricting access to drugs is also very important and I know that the NDLEA and other law enforcement agencies are doing a lot in this regards. There are also various treatment programmes for addiction. They can be weaned off drug and go on to live a normal life. Drug abuse is bad for the society. It has destroyed many individuals, families, and communities and we must do everything to bring it to an end.

I therefore urge us all, to rise above ethnic, religious and political sentiments to do away with this menace that is becoming an epidemic in the north and Nigeria in general.

While thanking you for listening, it is my earnest prayer that Almighty Allah would bless and make our little efforts of trying to curb this menace a very successful one. I also want to encourage us all to imbibe culture of cleanliness. However, the state command provost will be instructed to carry out routine barrack inspection and punish anyone who violates the rules and regulations guiding barrack sanitation.


Thank you and God bless you.